Make a decision
You cannot put this off any longer. “How long will you waver between two opinions? If the Lord is God, follow him; but if Baal is God,...
For this we have Jesus
I watched on social media as a minister spoke to a lady who had moulded horns on her head and a 'demonic' face paint. I listened as he...
And you are all brethren
“... and you are all brothers'' Matthew 23:8b I read and watch my blogs and videos several times. I do it because I know that the...
The spiritual landscape I grew up in has changed. In recent years, the fathers I knew growing up seem to be gone and the few remaining...
Concepts and Misconceptions
Walking with God is never meant to be difficult. Never. It was always meant to be as natural as breathing. It is part of how we humans...
Are all Jesus Questioners Antichrists?
In my vlog titled ''The Secret to the Last Days'', I quoted Apostle John's words in 1 John 2:22 : ''Â Who is the liar? It is whoever...
Learn from the Past 'Lasts'
The Bible contains some accounts of our history as the human race and that of Israel as a people, but it is not the only one. Many other...
Remember the Replenisher
It might seem strange to write about the benefits of having God amid difficult times but, the time to remember his benefits is precisely...
Bought back
I like visiting charity shops and centres that deal in pre-loved items. Not only is it good for the environment but it is expedient that...
Christmas: The Birth of The New Human Species
The bible is a group of books full of answers about everything: Existence, the past, Humans, the present, and the future. The only snag...
Freedom to Prisoners
In the past before what we know as modern technology, life i.e. eating, sleeping, commerce, and even love was governed by the...
The Warrior
Just as Jesus and his earlier followers did, we as teachers of God's word, adapt the presentation of our message to the audience before...