For we are God’s co-workers; you are God’s field, God’s building.1 Corinthians 3:9 CJB I simply love being a parent. And I have been incredibly blessed with three wonderfully level-headed gorgeous daughters.
However, as any parent knows, children at every stage of growth present various challenges: The constant crying - at times for no discernible reason - of a new baby The messy work of transitioning to solids from milk and potty training (yuk); The first steps and tantrums of the toddler, bickering of siblings, Preteen hyperactivity swiftly followed by the back-chatting and inquisitive, emotion laden teenage years. [And as I've heard, adoption and fostering come with a whole new added set of challenges!]
As John (1John 2:13) lists, every growing church is made up of little children, young men and hopefully fathers. Little children need to be encouraged to desire and feed on spiritual milk (1peter2:2) so they can grow from the diaper stage of just God as 'dada' who loves, feeds, and saves them to the Youth stage of knowing his power, status and ability as Almighty God and wielding that knowledge as a tool to establish order, enforce victory and light in their lives and world. It is work. And though this work is not by human might or power but by the spirit of Jesus at work in and through us; we as co-builders lay the foundations of faith in the Word of God, water the seeds as God causes it to grow. 1cor3:10 This can be challenging as parenting can be challenging, but the beauty of the challenge is that it not only develops the child, it matures the parent. That self-focused person starts to get reconfigured into a selfless caring individual who begins to really know what long-suffering love is.
Agape, the kind of Love God gives and expects, is not convenient. It is often a demanding, reckless and illogical outpouring of yourself for the benefit of another. Sometimes it comes with frustration, sadness, pain and suffering especially when we don't see immediate change or growth in the life of loved ones. Unlike humanistic love, God's type of love CAN hurt - just ask Jesus. Though there are also lots of joys, in the times we feel like crying out like Moses "are this my children?"(Numbers 11:12) we can find strength in the words of Christ to Paul “My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness.” 2 Corinthians 12:9 NIV So, Preach the word; be prepared in season and out of season; correct, rebuke and encourage—with great patience (long-suffering) and careful instruction. 2 Timothy 4:2 NIV And do remember that 'God is fair, and he will remember all the work you have done. He will remember that you showed your love to him by helping his people and that you continue to help them.'Hebrews 6:10 ERV Amen.
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