I got up to prayer this morning and the Lord led me to this scripture - "But he was pierced for our transgressions, he was crushed for our iniquities; the punishment that brought us peace was on him, and by his wounds we are healed." Isaiah 53:5 NIV
The Complete Jewish Bible has it as...
"But he was wounded because of our crimes, crushed because of our sins; the disciplining that makes us whole fell on him, and by his bruises* we are healed."
It's easy to forget that the coming of Jesus Christ into the world was the twist in a judicial process. (Note: I am not a lawyer, just going by scripture😉). Humans (represented by Adam) had already broken a divine directive given in Genesis 2:16-17 : " Adonai , God, gave the person this order: 'You may freely eat from every tree in the garden except the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. You are not to eat from it, because on the day that you eat from it, it will become certain that you will die.'”CJB That directive was in acknowledgement of Mankind's right of choice. It was his right to have an opportunity to choose Life (God) or death (The Deceiver - satan). Well, as it goes, man chose to disobey God thereby obeying the devil. So he got severed from Life and got chained to death. By the time Jesus came, Death had already started it's work in us - exhibiting itself in the form of sin, mental, physical and emotional pain/sickness and corruption. We were already experiencing the effects of a sentence which included a hard existence involving separation from peace, provision, health and wholeness - attributes of LIFE - leading up to the final verdict of eternal damnation of our souls in hell. Jesus Christ was the hidden trump card in a judicial process that had already rightly declared us guilty! He came to take the full punishment required by our sentencing to buy our freedom. He took our place of condemnation so we might take his Life. Every single activity and punishment that was inflicted on Jesus before, during and after his crucifixion was part of a meticulously planned, divinely orchestrated justice appeasement strategy. The piercing of his hands and feet were the payment for our crimes - we broke (and could'nt stop breaking) his laws, the bruising and scourging he endured for our sins; the punishment required to restore Peace, wholeness and prosperity (Shalom) to us was meted out to him in pain, and by the lacerations (tearing of his flesh), caused by beatings with barbed whips, our healing was secured! Why am I reminded of this now? Because God wants us to know that our suffering is illegal. It breaks his heart to see people suffer from things Jesus has ALREADY paid the price for. Anxiety, fear, depression the lack of peace HAS been paid for. No need to beg God for peace and wholeness, we have SHALOM by right! Also, any fear and shame brought on by the guilt of doing wrong is unnecessary because there is nothing to be ashamed of - Christ paid the price in our place; we are declared free to go - NOT guilty. Just start to do the right thing and FORGET the past. Health problems are unlawful. From God's standpoint, they have no right to inflict or keep us bound. Christ paid for our health - we ARE healed! The devil is a liar, thief and law-breaker. He will always try to make a lie acceptable so as to keep us from seeing the truth. God wants us to walk in what Christ has purchased for us. He wants us to stand our ground in faith in what Christ did! So refuse to fret, do not fear, never walk in shame. There is peace, life and wholeness for you and your family. The facts might say the opposite, but God tells us the truth in his word.
The Truth is: You are FREE!