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"But the end of all things is at hand: be ye therefore sober, and watch unto prayer." 1 Peter 4:7

Your gospel of love is corrupted. Prophesy they say; prophesy! But make sure you say what we want you to say. Make sure the Lord fits into our sensibilities. Prophesy man of God, prophesy! they say, but make sure you align with our wishes or we'll destroy you with our words. Divine but according to our will, speak but only in line with our design.

Will a man speak for the Lord? Will His speech be governed by your wishes? Can you put Him in straits? constrained till He obeys your will?

The sorcerers rule. The mouth of the prophets are sealed. Yet Israel cries out for guidance, she calls out for her Guide. "Save, heal, guide, show us the way, open our eyes Lord", they pray.

No, you are not ready for sight. You are not ready for a guide. Still loving the embrace of your demons and the bosom of your idols . The prophet is a curse to you if he speaks, his words an offense if it hurts. No Israel, you want a lie, your claim for truth overtaken by your lust for lies. If it does not please your sensibilities, you pick up stones, if your flesh is not appeased, you raise daggers. No Israel, you are not ready for the truth. You have not yet conditioned your heart for it. Weigh your words, divine your desires. What is your focus? What do you desire? Does your heart pant for your saviour? Does it guzzle up truth as water a parched ground? Is your zeal for your Lord? and your desires for his glory?

Will Israel see? Can she discern? Will I find faith on the earth when I return?.

Dear brethren, be it known to you that not all who are in Israel are of Israel.


"Keep watch over yourselves and all the flock of which the Holy Spirit has made you overseers. Be shepherds of the church of God, which he bought with his own blood." Acts 20:28 NIV



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